Gronbacken: Stuga | Loftbod | Härbre | Arstugu | Fejs | Vedbod (fd stuga)
———— 208E06, 1763–1826, (Se bild 5.4 MB) ———— 208E03, 1764–1826, flera falska ringar (Se bild 4.7 MB) ———— 208E01, 1766–1826, (Se bild 4.7 MB) ———— 208E04, 1769–1826, (Se bild 4.7 MB) ———— 208E00, 1775–1826, (Se bild 4.7 MB) ———— 208E02, 1777–1826, (Se bild 4.7 MB) |
Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: P2YrsL: Proportion of last two years growth LIMITED (2,0,T,1,2,6) Correlations between best available references (PISY) and mean of 208E dated to 1826 with corr >= 0,53 and with overlap >= 63 Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values. T- Over Skel Corr Test lap Chi2 all... 0,70 7,75 63 16 based on 7 members GagnefSo 0,63 6,26 63 8 1831 Gagnef-Djura PISY/Gms000 2 se007 0,62 6,22 63 12 1888 Dalarna region (Lunds Universitet, "extraterastrial") PISY SödraDal 0,62 6,21 63 10 2005 Södra Dalarna PISY/SDalar 2 FlodaSn0 0,60 5,85 63 8 2005 Floda sn, Dalarna (mainly Björbo) (ej swed305) PISY/FlodaS 2 Kungsber 0,56 5,24 63 14 2005 Kungsberg-Järbo-Lumsheden, Gästrikland PISY/KBPISY 2 SolorNor 0,55 5,14 63 8 1940 Solør, sydöstra. Norge (digitaliserat av Arne Andersson)PISY Petmyra 0,53 4,87 63 9 2002 Petmyra (bogg), Björbo, Dalarna PISY/PM 2 Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: P2YrsL: Proportion of last two years growth LIMITED (2,0,T,1,2,6) Correlations between samples in 208E.fil and mean of references in previous table dated to 2011 with corr >= 0,25 and with overlap >= 49 Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values. T- Over Skel Corr Test lap Chi2 all... 0,70 7,75 63 16 based on 6 members 208E04 0,59 5,40 57 15 1826 208E03 0,55 5,15 62 12 1826 flera falska ringar 208E06 0,48 4,26 63 5 1826 208E02 0,46 3,56 49 7 1826 208E00 0,40 3,07 51 0 1826 208E01 0,25 1,93 60 3 1826