Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: Proportion of last two years growth (2,0,T) Correlations between available references and HkfQ.d12 dated to 1978 with corr >= 0,32 and with overlap >= 119 Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values. T- Over Corr Test lap all... 0,52 6,72 122 based on 4 members OlandQUR 0,47 5,79 122 Central Öland (july 2008) QUSP CHRISTEN 0,42 5,08 122 Bohuslän, SE, Christensen & Havemann (ITRDB udda format) QUSP BrVQCr 0,35 4,04 119 Bråthen: Dendrokronologisk serie från västra Sverige 831-1975 (RAÄ 1982:1) QUSP POLA006_ 0,32 3,72 122 T. Wazny, EAST POMERANIA, Poland (ITRDB) QURO
———— HkfQ2a1, 1856–1948, ———— HkfQ2a, 1856–1970, fler ringar ytterst, men mycket tunna och otydliga ———— HkfQ1a1, 1883–1978, ———— HkfQ1a, 1883–1978, +vår & början av sommarring (sommaren 1979) |