Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: P2Yrs: Proportion of last two years growth (2,0,T) Correlations between samples in SfDymB.fil and reference SödraDal dated to 2005 with corr >= 0,26 and with overlap >= 101 Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values. T- Over Corr Test lap all... 0,47 9,04 296 based on 5 members SfDymB2 0,45 5,17 105 1844 SfDymB1a 0,39 6,23 214 1763 + >80 SfDymB4a 0,38 4,25 106 1845 SfDymB0a 0,37 4,37 123 1845 SfDymB3a 0,26 2,64 101 1844 Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: P2Yrs: Proportion of last two years growth (2,0,T) Correlations between samples in SfDymB.fil and reference Sfsn-PISY dated to 2004 with corr >= 0,21 and with overlap >= 101 Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values. T- Over Corr Test lap all... 0,53 10,68 296 based on 5 members SfDymB1a 0,46 7,63 214 1763 + >80 SfDymB4a 0,46 5,27 106 1845 SfDymB0a 0,44 5,33 123 1845 SfDymB2 0,32 3,43 105 1844 SfDymB3a 0,21 2,18 101 1844 Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: P2Yrs: Proportion of last two years growth (2,0,T) Correlations between best references and SfDymB3a.pos dated to 1844 with corr >= 0,34 and with overlap >= 84 Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values. T- Over Corr Test lap all... 0,50 5,79 101 based on 5 members JAEMTUA_ 0,49 5,15 84 1827 JAEMTUA1 Jämtland, historisch; PISY GagnefSo 0,48 5,02 88 1831 Gagnef-Djura PISY swed008 0,39 4,21 101 1971 ÖSTERSUND (Harlan) PISY idre 0,36 3,85 101 2004 Idre, Dalarna PISY Bingsjo_ 0,34 3,54 101 1859 Bingsjö Dalarna, Klockargårdens storstuga PISY
———— SfDymB1a, 1548–1763, + >80 (Se bild 4.7 MB) ———— SfDymB2, 1739–1844, (Se bild 4.7 MB) ———— SfDymB3a, 1743–1844, (Se bild 4.7 MB) ———— SfDymB0a, 1722–1845, (Se bild 4.7 MB) ———— SfDymB4a, 1739–1845, (Se bild 4.7 MB) |