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Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: P2YrsL: Proportion of last two years growth LIMITED (2,0,T,NoLog,1,2,6)
Correlations between best available references (PISY) and
FLHgC1a.pos dated to 1850 with corr >= 0,48 and with overlap >= 101
Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values.
T- Over Skel
Corr Test lap Chi2
all... 0,57 6,89 101 5 based on 5 members
FlodaSn0 0,59 7,30 101 5 Floda sn, Dalarna T. A 2006? (annat än swed305, hårt sovrat)
swed336 0,56 6,72 101 6 Safsnas, Dalarna
SodraDal 0,52 6,07 101 3 Dalarna söder om Siljan. Sammansatt. (Floda, Grangärde, Gagnef, Svärds
Kungsber 0,48 5,47 101 5 Kungsberg-Järbo-Lumsheden, västra Gästrikland (Jan-Olov Språng) PISY
se007 0,48 5,43 101 4 Dalarna region (Bartholin, proj extraterastrial) PISY
Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: P2YrsL: Proportion of last two years growth LIMITED (2,0,T,NoLog,1,2,6)
Correlations between best available references (PCAB) and
FLHgC2a.pos dated to 1835 with corr >= 0,41 and with overlap >= 92
Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values.
T- Over Skel
Corr Test lap Chi2
all... 0,61 8,50 127 11 based on 3 members
swed312 0,65 9,61 127 15 Björbo (and Grangarde), Dalarna, Axelson PCAB/000 2 Swed
GRHE-pca 0,48 5,26 92 4 GRHEpc 1 Svalbod fr Nittten, nu Grangärde hbg PCAB/GRHE
norw017 0,41 4,96 127 14 Tryil
Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: P2YrsL: Proportion of last two years growth LIMITED (2,0,T,NoLog,1,2,6)
Correlations between best available references (PISY) and
FLHgC4a.pos dated to 1770 with corr >= 0,52 and with overlap >= 56
Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values.
T- Over Skel
Corr Test lap Chi2
all... 0,61 5,70 56 13 based on 6 members
se007 0,61 5,68 56 12 Dalarna region (Bartholin, proj extraterastrial) PISY
SodraDal 0,59 5,38 56 16 Dalarna söder om Siljan. Sammansatt. (Floda, Grangärde, Gagnef, Svärds
FlodaSn0 0,59 5,33 56 14 Floda sn, Dalarna T. A 2006? (annat än swed305, hårt sovrat)
Grangard 0,55 4,89 56 16 Grangärde, Dalarna Axelson (2009) PISY
Slsfl_PI 0,53 4,64 56 5 Sälsfloten Björbo, Dalarna, bog-pines, T. Axelson, PISY
swed305 0,52 4,52 56 7 Björbo, Dalarna, T. Axelson, PISY, 300m
Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: P2YrsL: Proportion of last two years growth LIMITED (2,0,T,NoLog,1,2,6)
Correlations between best available references (PCAB) and
FLHgC5a.pos dated to 1770 with corr >= 0,40 and with overlap >= 63
Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values.
T- Over Skel
Corr Test lap Chi2
all... 0,45 3,93 63 12 based on 2 members
swed312 0,41 3,47 63 5 Björbo (and Grangarde), Dalarna, Axelson PCAB/000 2 Swed
GRHE-pca 0,40 3,45 63 10 GRHEpc 1 Svalbod fr Nittten, nu Grangärde hbg PCAB/GRHE