2007-08-11 09:34:47 Algorithm: Proportion of last two years growth (2,0,T) Correlations between BjMH01m and all available PISY references with corr>0.40 and overlap>100 years. The provenience is local around Björbo (Probably < 100 km away) The good matches towards Jämtland (swed008 and swed023w) and Idre and the lack of good correlations towards references from lower altitudes and latitudes may indicate a stronger Temperature-sensitivity than normal in this area. T- Over Corr Test lap all... 0,67 12,5 196 GagnefSo 0,63 11,4 196 SödraDal 0,57 9,6 196 FlodaSn0 0,56 9,3 196 Grangard 0,55 9,1 196 swed305 0,52 8,5 196 swed008 0,51 6,2 112 swed023w 0,50 8,0 196 idre 0,49 7,7 196 se007 0,46 7,2 196
———— BjMH01m, 1630–1827, LocationBench probably from Björbo Missionskyrka EarthCoord6027N1443E Elev250m SpeciesPISY WaldKantecan not be far away but maybe not present Sapwood90 ("blue") StateSweden Personal_IDT. Axelson Interpretationabout 1835-1890 DateOfSampling2007-08-07 CommentMean of 3 measurment series. The wood seems to be sawn from a dry pine tree log. Mean of 3 measurment series. The wood seems to be sawn from a dry pine tree log. |