Tröskloge i Färnäs, Mora sn

Dendrokronologisk undersökning

av Torbjörn Axelson, april 2023

© foto: Peter Lindner

Trösklogen efter upprustning våren 2023.
Fick i oktober 2022 en skiva av en utbytt syllstock från en tröskloge, 61.00308, 14.62641, i Färnäs, Mora sn. I april 2023 fick jag sju borrprov (tillväxtborr 5 mm) ur samma byggnad. Syllen har yttersta ring från 1594 (viss blånad) och en klivstock yttersta ring i tynande ved 1587 (torrtall?). Prov ur D9, A10 och D20 har yttersta ring från 1595. Dessa fem stockar torde kunna antas vara från den ursprungliga trösklogen, som bör vara timmrad ca 1596. Timret har låg inbördes likhet, kanske beståndsspritt. De återstående tre virkena är alla från olika decennier under 1800-talet. A16 har yttersta ring från omkring 1819, A13 är fälld tidig försommar 1846 och D19 yttersta ring från 1880. Om detta bör tolkas som tre olika omtimringar under 1800-talet eller om man återanvänt virke vid ett eller två tillfällen må övervägas. A13 och A16 kan komma från samma bestånd.

Denna och andra dendrokronologiska studier av T. Axelson återfinns på


Strong red means high corr, white means zero corr or less. The rings are intended to cover most of the area in which the samples of the chronology are collected. A big ring chronology is not necessarily stronger than a small ring one, just including samples from a wider area.
22AR0a (syll) Träd med blandad nederbörd/temperatursignal 1381–1594
Strong red means high corr, white means zero corr or less. The rings are intended to cover most of the area in which the samples of the chronology are collected. A big ring chronology is not necessarily stronger than a small ring one, just including samples from a wider area.
234BA7 (D20) Är ett mer temperaturkänsligt träd 1388–1595
Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: P2YrsL: Proportion of last two years growth LIMITED (2,0,T,NoLog,1,2,6)
Correlations between best available references (PISY) and
22AR0a.pos dated to 1594 with corr >= 0,33 and with overlap >= 189 
Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values.
                    T-  Over  Skel
           Corr   Test   lap  Chi2
all...     0,46   7,46   213    18   based on 6 members
se007      0,41   6,58   213    22    1888  Dalarna region (Bartholin, proj extraterastrial)   PISY               
Alvd21     0,40   6,35   213    16    1729  Block of Alvd21
SodraDal   0,39   6,13   213    10    2005  Dalarna söder om Siljan. Sammansatt. (Floda, Grangärde, Gagnef, Svärds
swed335    0,39   5,86   195     8    2012  Grangarde, Dalarna, T Axelson
FlodaSn0   0,38   5,65   189     2    2005  Floda sn, Dalarna T. A 2006? (annat än swed305, hårt sovrat)          
JAEMTUA_   0,33   5,15   213     2    1827  JAEMTUA1 Jämtland, historisch (Schweingruber) PISY only/PISY/JAEMTUA2 

Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: P2YrsL: Proportion of last two years growth LIMITED (2,0,T,NoLog,1,2,6)
Correlations between best available references (PISY) and
234BA1.pos dated to 1587 with corr >= 0,29 and with overlap >= 184 
Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values.
                    T-  Over  Skel
           Corr   Test   lap  Chi2
all...     0,36   5,14   184    15   based on 4 members
swed335    0,35   5,12   184    22    2012  Grangarde, Dalarna, T Axelson
SodraDal   0,32   4,50   184    15    2005  Dalarna söder om Siljan. Sammansatt. (Floda, Grangärde, Gagnef, Svärds
se007      0,30   4,20   184    17    1888  Dalarna region (Bartholin, proj extraterastrial)   PISY               
NLPISY03   0,29   4,11   184     8    1717  Zuid-Noorweg, konstruktionsvirke återfunnet i Nederländerna, van Daale

Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: P2YrsL: Proportion of last two years growth LIMITED (2,0,T,NoLog,1,2,6)
Correlations between best available references (PISY) and
234BA2.pos dated to 1819 with corr >= 0,37 and with overlap >= 168 
Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values.
                    T-  Over  Skel
           Corr   Test   lap  Chi2
all...     0,42   6,02   168     9   based on 5 members
swed336    0,40   5,55   168     3  Safsnas, Dalarna
SodraDal   0,40   5,54   168     9  Dalarna söder om Siljan. Sammansatt. (Floda, Grangärde, Gagnef, Svärds
norw018    0,38   5,27   168     9  Southern Trysil, 500m PISY
swed305    0,37   5,08   168     6  Björbo, Dalarna, T. Axelson, PISY, 300m                               
se007      0,37   5,08   168    11  Dalarna region (Bartholin, proj extraterastrial)   PISY               

Strong red means high corr, white means zero corr or less. The rings are intended to cover most of the area in which the samples of the chronology are collected. A big ring chronology is not necessarily stronger than a small ring one, just including samples from a wider area.
234BA3 (D9) tydligt nederbördskänsligt träd 1523-1595
Strong red means high corr, white means zero corr or less. The rings are intended to cover most of the area in which the samples of the chronology are collected. A big ring chronology is not necessarily stronger than a small ring one, just including samples from a wider area.
234BA4 (A10) tydligt nederbördskänsligt träd 1535-1595
Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: P2YrsL: Proportion of last two years growth LIMITED (2,0,T,NoLog,1,2,6)
Correlations between best available references (PISY) and
234BA3.pos dated to 1595 with corr >= 0,41 and with overlap >= 72 
Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values.
                    T-  Over  Skel
           Corr   Test   lap  Chi2
all...     0,55   5,45    72    11   based on 5 members
swed305    0,55   5,53    72    13    Björbo, Dalarna, T. Axelson, PISY, 300m                               
swed335    0,44   4,08    72     5    Grangarde, Dalarna, T Axelson
SodraDal   0,44   4,05    72    12    Dalarna söder om Siljan. Sammansatt. (Floda, Grangärde, Gagnef, Svärds
GagnefSo   0,43   4,03    72    20    Gagnef-Djura (Israels, B. 2007)                                       
forssa     0,41   3,77    72    10    Forssa, finl

Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: P2YrsL: Proportion of last two years growth LIMITED (2,0,T,NoLog,1,2,6)
Correlations between best available references (PISY) and
234BA4.pos dated to 1595 with corr >= 0,38 and with overlap >= 60 
Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values.
                    T-  Over  Skel
           Corr   Test   lap  Chi2
all...     0,48   4,13    60    13   based on 4 members
BumyrRel   0,44   3,77    60     1    Bumyran, Björbo + relaterade ur Södra dalarna, PISY (experimentell kro
swed335    0,42   3,50    60    12    Grangarde, Dalarna, T Axelson
SodraDal   0,40   3,36    60     9    Dalarna söder om Siljan. Sammansatt. (Floda, Grangärde, Gagnef, Svärds
NLPISY03   0,38   3,11    60     3    Zuid-Noorweg, konstruktionsvirke återfunnet i Nederländerna, van Daale

Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: P2YrsL: Proportion of last two years growth LIMITED (2,0,T,NoLog,1,2,6)
Correlations between best available references (PISY) and
234BA5.pos dated to 1845 with corr >= 0,36 and with overlap >= 176 
Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values.
                    T-  Over  Skel
           Corr   Test   lap  Chi2
all...     0,46   6,79   176    30   based on 7 members
SodraDal   0,45   6,67   176    28  Dalarna söder om Siljan. Sammansatt. (Floda, Grangärde, Gagnef, Svärds
swed305    0,44   6,40   176    20  Björbo, Dalarna, T. Axelson, PISY, 300m                               
se007      0,43   6,27   176    19  Dalarna region (Bartholin, proj extraterastrial)   PISY               
swed336    0,42   6,18   176    24  Safsnas, Dalarna
Kungsber   0,40   5,78   176    20  Kungsberg-Järbo-Lumsheden, västra Gästrikland (Jan-Olov Språng) PISY  
FlodaSn0   0,39   5,61   176    15  Floda sn, Dalarna T. A 2006? (annat än swed305, hårt sovrat)          
swed335    0,36   5,04   176    14  Grangarde, Dalarna, T Axelson

Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: P2YrsL: Proportion of last two years growth LIMITED (2,0,T,NoLog,1,2,6)
Correlations between best available references (PISY) and
234BA6.pos dated to 1880 with corr >= 0,39 and with overlap >= 133 
Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values.
                    T-  Over  Skel
           Corr   Test   lap  Chi2
all...     0,54   7,35   133    22   based on 7 members
se007      0,51   6,78   133    21  Dalarna region (Bartholin, proj extraterastrial)   PISY               
SodraDal   0,50   6,61   133    23  Dalarna söder om Siljan. Sammansatt. (Floda, Grangärde, Gagnef, Svärds
swed305    0,49   6,43   133    26  Björbo, Dalarna, T. Axelson, PISY, 300m                               
FlodaSn0   0,46   5,93   133    17  Floda sn, Dalarna T. A 2006? (annat än swed305, hårt sovrat)          
swed336    0,43   5,39   133    13  Safsnas, Dalarna
swed008    0,42   5,24   133     6  ÖSTERSUND (Harlan), PISY                                              
norw018    0,39   4,87   133     4  Southern Trysil, 500m PISY

Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: P2YrsL: Proportion of last two years growth LIMITED (2,0,T,NoLog,1,2,6)
Correlations between best available references (PISY) and
234BA7.pos dated to 1595 with corr >= 0,30 and with overlap >= 197 
Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values.
                    T-  Over  Skel
           Corr   Test   lap  Chi2
all...     0,40   6,29   207     9   based on 3 members
Alvd21     0,37   5,63   207     7  Block of Alvd21
JAEMTUA_   0,36   5,44   207    13  JAEMTUA1 Jämtland, historisch (Schweingruber) PISY only/PISY/JAEMTUA2 
Grangard   0,30   4,36   197    11  Grangärde, Dalarna  Axelson (2009) PISY                               

Mätdata (ringbredder)

visa mätdata som tabell
2 1 0.2 0.1 1390 1400 1410 1420 1430 1440 1450 1460 1470 1480 1490 1500 1510 1520 1530 1540 1550 1560 1570 1580 1590 1600 1610 1620 1630 2 1 0.2 0.1 1640 1650 1660 1670 1680 1690 1700 1710 1720 1730 1740 1750 1760 1770 1780 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880

22AR 1 Tröskloge, Färnäs, Mora sn W PISY 22AR 2 Sweden Pinus sylvestris 1381 1880 22AR 3 T. Axelson, S. Östberg
———— 234BA1, 1402–1587, Klivstock, ytan tynande. fragmenterat prov. osäkert (Se bild 8.4 MB)
———— 22AR0a, 1381–1594, Syllstock, utbytt (Se bild 1.8 MB)
———— 234BA7, 1388–1595, D20, oklar ytved (Se bild 8.4 MB)
———— 234BA3, 1523–1595, D9 (Se bild 8.4 MB)
———— 234BA4, 1535–1595, A10 (Se bild 8.4 MB)
———— 234BA5b, 1667–1690, tillväxtkollapsen 1686 (Se bild 8.4 MB)
———— 234BA2, 1649–1819, A16, ytveden osäker (0-ringar) (Se bild 8.4 MB)
———— 234BA5, 1668–1845, A13, +aning vårved, tillväxtkollaps 1686 (Se bild 8.4 MB)
———— 234BA6, 1747–1880, D19 (Se bild 8.4 MB)