———— 20615A0, 1697–1833, D3 (Se bild 5.8 MB) ———— 20615A5, 1697–1833, D13 (Se bild 5.8 MB) ———— 20615A1, 1704–1833, D4 (Se bild 5.8 MB) ———— 20615A2, 1706–1833, D7 (Se bild 5.8 MB) ———— 20615A3, 1728–1833, D8 (Se bild 5.8 MB) ———— 20615A4, 1730–1833, D12 (Se bild 5.8 MB) |
Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: P2YrsL: Proportion of last two years growth LIMITED (2,0,T,1,2,6) Correlations between samples in 20615A.fil and reference SödraDal dated to 2005 with corr >= 0,27 and with overlap >= 103 Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values. T- Over Skel Corr Test lap Chi2 all... 0,50 6,75 136 25 based on 6 members 20615A3 0,48 5,58 105 12 1833 D8 20615A5 0,42 5,29 136 5 1833 D13 20615A4 0,40 4,32 103 8 1833 D12 20615A1 0,33 3,99 129 9 1833 D4 20615A0 0,31 3,73 136 6 1833 D3 20615A2 0,27 3,15 124 12 1833 D7
Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: P2YrsL: Proportion of last two years growth LIMITED (2,0,T,1,2,6) Correlations between best available references (PISY) and mean of 20615A dated to 1833 with corr >= 0,40 and with overlap >= 136 Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values. T- Over Skel Corr Test lap Chi2 all... 0,60 8,79 136 30 based on 8 members FlodaSn0 0,55 7,53 136 24 Floda sn, Dalarna (mainly Björbo) (ej swed305) PISY/FlodaS 2 Sissh041 0,51 6,82 136 6 Sisshammar (T. Andreasson) PISY SödraDal 0,50 6,75 136 25 Södra Dalarna PISY/SDalar 2 GvleC-pi 0,48 6,35 136 8 Hamrånge & Hille, Gästrikland (east) PISY/X0 2 BratPISY 0,46 5,97 136 8 Mälardalen area, publ. Bråthen PISY/BratP 2 se007 0,45 5,77 136 22 Dalarna region (Lunds Universitet, "extraterastrial") PISY Grangard 0,42 5,42 136 12 Grangärde, Dalarna PISY/0000 2 swed305 0,40 5,12 136 20 Björbo, Dalarna PISY/0000 2