Cybis CDendro (April 9 2019), Algorithm: P2YrsL: Proportion of last two years growth LIMITED (2,0,T,1,2,6) Correlations between each of 5 checked members of the collection C:\Users\Torbjorn\Documents\DendroNya\Floda-Björbo-N and the rest of the checked members of that collection Minimum overlap used when finding best match: 35 Member offset to ref-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Off Over P2Yrs------ BaPi------- C84F------- BesIE------ MeanSF----- GLK-- Skel- P2YrsL----** Years set lap CorrC TTest CorrC TTest CorrC TTest CorrC TTest CorrC TTest GLK Chi2 CorrC TTest 20603B0 288 194 239 0,15 2,3 0,13 2,1 0,15 2,3 0,18 2,8 0,15 2,4 0,50 0,1 0,15 2,4 20603B1 145 193 144 0,41 5,4 0,49 6,6 0,50 6,9 0,52 7,1 0,48 6,4 0,62 13,0 0,43 5,7 20603B2 254 193 218 0,40 6,4 0,42 6,8 0,41 6,7 0,42 6,8 0,41 6,6 0,57 13,7 0,40 6,5 20603B3 130 193 129 0,41 5,0 0,38 4,6 0,46 5,8 0,45 5,6 0,42 5,2 0,64 8,4 0,42 5,1 20603B4m 118 193 116 0,56 7,3 0,55 7,1 0,57 7,4 0,50 6,1 0,55 6,9 0,66 27,7 0,57 7,4 Mean corr. of first column when overlap >= 35 (5 samples): 0,39 Standard deviation interval 0,26 - 0,53Och varje prov mot SödraDal:
Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: P2YrsL: Proportion of last two years growth LIMITED (2,0,T,1,2,6) Correlations between available references in C:\Users\Torbjorn\Documents\DendroNya\Floda-Björbo-Nås\Lisskvargården-nås\20603B.fil and SödraDal_of_C:\Users\Torbjorn\Documents\DendroNya\Kronologier\PISY-Skandinavien191016.rwl dated to 2005 with corr >= 0,42 and with overlap >= 116 Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values. T- Over Skel Corr Test lap Chi2 all... 0,61 13,03 288 60 based on 5 members 20603B2 0,53 9,30 218 33 1812 D6, tynande ytved 20603B1 0,48 6,51 144 12 1812 D5 20603B3 0,47 6,02 129 9 1812 D11:väggband 20603B0 0,43 8,09 286 15 1811 D4 20603B4m 0,42 5,00 116 17 1812 ÅsD, myrtall! - 1741 års ring endast skönjbarProvet ur åsen passar bra mot resten av timmret, men sämre mot standardkronologin. Tittar man på vad det passar bäst emot visar det sig vara myrtallar:
Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: P2YrsL: Proportion of last two years growth LIMITED (2,0,T,1,2,6) Correlations between best available references (PISY) and 20603B4m dated to 1812 with corr >= 0,39 and with overlap >= 116 Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values. T- Over Skel Corr Test lap Chi2 all... 0,54 6,77 116 13 based on 8 members Slsfl-PI 0,51 6,37 116 20 Sälsfloten Björbo, Dalarna, bog-pines PISY/Slfl 2 Petmyra 0,50 6,16 116 6 Petmyra (bog), Björbo, Dalarna PISY/PM 2 FlodaSn0 0,48 5,85 116 19 Floda sn, Dalarna (mainly Björbo) (ej swed305) PISY/FlodaS 2 SödraDal 0,44 5,23 116 17 Södra Dalarna PISY/SDalar 2 swed305 0,40 4,64 116 10 Björbo, Dalarna PISY/0000 2 Kungsber 0,40 4,64 116 10 Kungsberg-Järbo-Lumsheden, Gästrikland PISY/KBPISY 2 se007 0,40 4,60 116 15 Dalarna region (Lunds Universitet, "extraterastrial") PISY BjörboGr 0,39 4,48 116 11 Swed305 Björbo+Grangärde PISY
———— 20603B0, 1524–1811, D4 (Se bild 7.6 MB) ———— 20603B2, 1559–1812, D6, tynande ytved (Se bild 7.6 MB) ———— 20603B1, 1668–1812, D5 (Se bild 7.6 MB) ———— 20603B3, 1683–1812, D11=väggband (Se bild 7.6 MB) ———— 20603B4m, 1695–1812, ÅsD, myrtall! - 1741 års ring endast skönjbar (mean of 2 radii) [20603B4a][20603B4b] |